Super simple and quick remixing of models that can be sent to a 3D printer, no modeling skills required!

In this simple tutorial, we will take the head of the Ultimaker robot (thanks Ultimaker) and combine it with an existing model of a cufflink to make a completely new, unique cufflink.

TIP: Remember to pay attention to the bottom right hand corner - this is where the progress bar for each operation will be displayed.

Step 1: Open Files

Open the UltiRobot and cufflink: File > Open Stock Model > Robot Head, File > Open Stock Model > Cufflink.

MeshUP will automatically detect issues with an imported object and display them with different colors. The Properties dialogue box will list the types of issues (coming soon).

Notice that both models are grey, meaning they have no errors.

Step 2: Convert to Volume

Before working with any imported objects in MeshUP, you must convert them to one type of Volume:

  1. Envelope: this will work with any mesh, even polygon soup! Envelope can be thought of as inflating the object with air. The higher the offset, the more fine detail you will lose.
  2. Shell: requires the mesh has no intersections, degenerates, flipped faces, cracks but it can have holes. Shelling produces a one sided offset and can be thought of as a single sided envelope. Shelling preserves the positive normal surface, so on one side you get the exact surface, on the side the offset is applied.
  3. Volume: requires the mesh to be completely manifold: no intersections, degenerates, flipped faces, cracks or holes.

Since both models have no errors, we can convert them to Volumes.

Select the robot, click on the Volume icon from the menu and type V for Volume. The robotwill turn from grey to tan, which means it is now considered a Volume.

Do the same procedure for the cufflink.

Step 3: Open Box & Subtract

Open the box: File > Open Stock Model > Box.

Select the box, click on the Volume icon from the menu and type V for Volume.

Move and scale the box so it completely covers the top design of the cufflink.

Select the cufflink, then click on the Subtract button. Select Base Object will have a green check box next to it.

Next to Select Objects to Subtract, click once on the Select button. The Select box will turn blue. Click once on the box and a check mark will now appear next to this second Select box. Click Make It So.

(Note that Blend is not yet available in the current version of the Preview.)

Watch the progress bar on the lower right hand corner to know when the operation is complete.

Step 4: Move, Rotate & Union

Move and rotate the robot head until it fits in place on top of the cufflink.

Select the robot, then click on the Union button. Select Base Object will have a green check box next to it.

Next to Select Objects to Union With, click once on the Select button. The Select box will turn blue. Click once on the cufflink and a check mark will now appear next to this second Select box. Click Make It So.

(Note that Blend is not yet available in the current version of the Preview.)

Watch the progress bar on the lower right hand corner to know when the operation is complete.

Merry Modeling!