How do I turn a mesh full of holes into a higher fidelity volume?
If you have fixed all the defects except for holes,
Shell will allow you to create a watertight volume ready for 3D printing. Just like all the UP options, this will give your mesh actual substance and depth.
Shell works by making a one sided offset, like a single sided Envelope. However, unlike Envelope, Shell preserves the positive normal surface on the outside, and applies the Offset to the inside only.
This means with Shell no surface quality or detail is lost, no matter what Offset value is used. The Offset effect is hidden from view because it is applied to the inside of the model only, so that the outside of your shiny new volume will still look like the original mesh surface.
Do you have a mesh that has had all the intersections, degenerates, & cracks fixed, but still has holes? Is it pink and you can't use the Volume setting? Try S for Shell!
It's safe and easy to see how Shell looks, because you can always click Undo from the
Edit menu.
Unlike Envelope, remember that with Shell there will be no loss to the object's original surface detail. This is why Shell is a great way to get Volume level detail out of a mesh that has unrepairable holes.
Volume offers higher fidelity materialization of the original object. So if you want the outside of the object to preserve its original detail and form, it's time to use
Mesh Repair to fix as many holes, degenerates, intersections, and cracks as possible!