What settings should I use to export my model?
The most important option for exporting a mesh is whether you want a watertight mesh or not.
We recommend using watertight whenever possible.
It may take longer to export watertight mesh, but it's worth it for 3D printing.
Now, let's walk through the Export process together!
We suggest using the watertight option whenever possible for 3D printing. Even if it takes time to Export, receiving a watertight mesh on the other side is worth the wait!
The Export window will often load instantly. It can take longer, depending on the number, size, and complexity of the models.
Check out the recommended System Requirements for your machine if things like Export or Blend are taking a long time.
Why do I sometimes see missing triangles?
If you are seeing what look like invisible triangles after intensive geometric changes to an object's surface, don't worry, these are not holes. All actual holes in MeshUP are labelled with a tag.